Friday, March 6, 2015





To create new resources that enriches and empowers the lives of people and maximizing profit by improving the operational efficiencies and maximum utilization for the available resources.


Keys of success:

·         Integrity & Ethics
·         Leadership
·         Teamwork
·         Training
·         Recognition
·         Communication
·         Continuous Improvement
To find a challenging position to meet my competencies, capabilities, skills, education and experience
Surname                  : Pak Ubit
Name                      : Teuku Syafrizal
Address                  : Jalan T.Nyak Arief Lr. Blang Seuke No.8
                                  Kecamatan Syiah Kuala
                                  Darussalam – Banda Aceh     
E-mail                     :
Date of Birth          : March, 08, 1964
Place of Birth         : Banda Aceh
Nationality              : Indonesia
Martial Status         : Married with three child 

2013 - 2014

Executive Committee on Community Development Program of PT . Lafarge Cement Indonesia to the community sub-district Lhoknga and sub-district Leupung
It is a program of CSR assistance from PT . LCI 3 billion per year for the surrounding community .
My main task is to see that CD programs in accordance with the potential and needs of the community , and assist the community in its implementation so right on target and costs.
1994 -
Director of Yayasan Pembinaan Kegiatan Generasi Muda (YPKGM)
Is local NGO is working area in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Pidie, Sabang, and Bireuen
This activity local NGO's is Psychosocial support in convalescence of children soul and adolescent and also care with training of human resource and education.
Main duty I am compile program, execution of program, braid the relation of cooperation with International NGO and governmental and motivate public for built-in in program.
1.Establishes activity standards of efficiency, maximum utilization of resources (raw material and manpower).
2. Prepares annual work plans and obtains approval of leader council
3. Prepares annual manpower plan. 
4. Job training programs inclusion training for small industry and home industry at public/youth. Evaluate performance of staff, recommends promotion, additional training or termination.
5. Prepare program budget and maintain/improve budget limitations to meet plant's annual objectives and standards according to program indicator.

6. Prepare of short and long term plans to determine the manufacturing objectives

7. Participate in putting the organization strategies in short and long term.
8. Manage and monitor the operational program appropriate the plans to ensure continuity of programs
9. Establish program scheduling that will ensure accurate recording of program figures and stoppage analysis to make timely and precise reports for organization management and future planning.
10. Establish safe working procedures for all operation programs and ensure its implementation to keep accident to the minimum and reduce downtime.
11. Ensures proper training of need people to upgrade their professional, especially at rural public where in supporting the development of countryside we beforehand have to do research concerning countryside potency, marketing prospect and natural resources, then gave training at the public as according to research result and requirement of the public.
12. Participate in preparing, reviewing and evaluate the program cost to ensure the organization cost are efficient

2006 – Present
Honorable lecturer of Lesson of deliverer & The Application Of Computer and Lesson Communication Application at Adab Faculty Institute Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Banda Aceh.
As my lecturer introduce computer system and teach the application of computer used occasionally in office and Communication Application to students

2002 – tsunami 2004:
Lecturer and employees of Lesson of Deliverer & The Application of Computer at Faculty of law in University Muhammadiyah Aceh
Is one of notable college in Province NAD

As employees of I occupy position of superintendent of diploma and value that is a trustworthy and important position remember I am entering data assessing and student diploma in faculty database.
I also first very apply data system by using computer system and also computer system in compilation of student studying plan.
I also doing re-data all lists assessing and name of faculty of laws students which breakdowns because flood and compile it in easy computers databases to be re-searched if required.
As my lecturer introduce computer system and teach the application of computer used occasionally in office to students.

1999 – 2002:
Director of CV.Profesional Group
Is medium scale effort in town Banda Aceh

Is effort serving sale of computer, computer service and repair and also service of shooting and photography.
with main duty serve consumer by giving explanation concerning computer, do negotiation with office for project of levying of service and computer and repair of computer and also arrange style and appearance of someone in event of wishing in shooting or in photo.

1997 - 1999:
Private Computer’s Manager
Is small scale effort in town Banda Aceh

With fundamental duty arrange management company and give training of computer to consumer.

1994 - 1997:
Rural Development Activator Master and Facilitators Inpress impecunious countryside for Special area from BAPPENAS / DEPDIKBUD
Countryside Cubo District Bandar Baru Sub-Province Pidie

With fundamental duty check countryside potency, grow entrepreneur motivation at public in team and give training of effort and management effort and also affectivity usage of capital employed

1992 - 1994:
Chief Library of Young Man Hall Public
A Library of Public which provided at activity building of young Mans in District of Lhoknga, Aceh Besar sub-provinces

With fundamental duty generate young man enthusiasm to read as main activity the young man are in fill leeway.
This activity supported by PT. Cement Andalas Indonesia as program service of public

Master of Veterinary at Faculty of Agriculture in Syiah Kuala University,  Banda Aceh
Scholar for veterinary

Training of Resilience And Boy scout And Girl guides (Advocate State) For Rural Development Activator Master (SP3), Jakarta
Certificate, DEPDIKBUD

Training Of Library orientation, Banda Aceh
Certificate, National Library

Director Consultancy Bureau of Library of Aceh (BIKONPUSTA)
Team Member of formulation of Assessment Sub Working Group Psychosocial ( UN, OCHA, UNICEF, IMC, ICMC, CARE, IRC YPKGM)
Deputy Association of Librarian of Indonesia (IPI) Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Member Association Indonesia Computer Entrepreneur (APKOMINDO) Province NAD
Committee and Trainer to Training of Library Orientation
Electoral College of Librarian of Byword Province NAD year 2006
Communications and information chief for Commitee Volunteer Muhammdiyah
2005 and 2006:
Coordinator Committee with Commemoration of Day World Mental Health (IMC, CWS, ChildFund, ICMC, Kanaivasu, Pulih, Yayasan Pembinaan Kegiatan Generasi Muda (YPKGM), World Vision Indonesia , BPKJ, ApiH, CBM)
Committee chief Workshop Mental Health in BPKJ Prov Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Coordinator Volunteer Muhammadiyah for Team Evacuate Human Corpse
Committee Young Entrepreneur Business Contact and Communications Forum of Asian Region of South-East
1999 and 2006:
Speaker at Rakerda Organizer of Library of Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Years practiced

MS Word, MS Excel, Power point, and Photoshop
More than 9 years

Dr. Andrew Mohanraj
CBM International NGO
Law Faculty at Muhammadiyah Aceh University

Siti Mariam
CWS Program Manager


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